The Art of Letting Go

The Art of Letting Go is the last step and principle in The Game of Presence and potentially the most important. It is the last act the ego needs to do, but may not want to do, in order to achieve what it came here to receive.

By remembering your purpose for playing the Game, to overcome your fears, your traumas, your addictions and to receive love, you keep building the ego’s reasons for moving towards death - your upgrade into Heaven.

What we want is most often on the other side of the mind that thinks otherwise.

Everything is you because you are the one experiencing and feeling what is happening.

The controls are now in your hands and in the mind that can now observe itself without reactivity and fear.

Discipline is remembering what you want.

Every day spent building the narrative of your deepest desires honed by the precision of your ‘why,’ which at the root is connection, delivers you closer and closer to your dreams.

Remember, letting go of the ego’s defenses is only one breath away. Your mind will go blurry and start to feel confused and unsure of what to do. Always come back to your breath. Let your ego’s thoughts dissolve into your breath as you come back into the clarity of the present moment.

I liken the process of letting go to the use of binoculars. You are close to finding connection, but then you start to feel something you think you don’t like and your vision goes blurry. That blur is the distraction of your ego obstructing you from presence with thought. 20/20 vision is immediately restored once we let go of the ego’s narrative and come back to the warm feeling of presence. The art of letting go quickens the pace from which we go from a mind made blurry through thought back into the clear vision of presence.


Anatomy of the Ego


Tips For Playing The Game of Presence