Anatomy of the Ego

While the ego may have made itself appear complex in an effort to hide itself in plain site, it is actually quite simple.

The Ego exists on two tracks: connection and disconnection.

Connection is when the ego has surrendered itself to presence and is without thought and disconnection is when it is in thought.

The Game of Presence tells us that we are either feeding disconnection through thinking or surrendering into presence through the art of letting go.

Here are some commons ways the ego obstructs presence:

  • Deflection ‘Oh, look over there.’ ‘Wow, look at that!’ ‘Oh, I think I forgot my phone.’

  • Excitement ‘Oh my gosh I can’t wait! Let’s go now!’

  • Thinking about the Past or the Future

  • Judgement/Negativity ‘I don’t like that.’ ‘Be careful, you never know’

  • Lust (either material or sexual desire) ‘I’m worried about money’ ‘Why haven’t they called me back?’

These concepts take time to settle in, so be patient. First, observe yourself throughout the day feeding any one of these thought patterns.

The easiest to catch is how often the mind thinks about the future, the past, money, and ruminates on fear and negativity.

Other subtler forms such as deflection and excitement are sneakier to catch because they are more socially acceptable forms of disconnection.

Two people getting excited together is energizing. Now, imagine a time when someone was excited about something while you were not. How did that make you feel? Not so good.

Imagine as you are speaking to someone about something you really enjoy, say surfing, and the person you’re speaking to responds, ‘Yeah, but aren’t there sharks?’ How did that moment when that person broke connection with you to deflect off into something negative make you feel?

These examples are here to show how a person can leave you energetically by going off on their own journey of excitement or fear. It is disconnected because they have gone off to feed their own internal dialogue leaving the other person behind.

Herein lies the hypocrisy of the ego. The ego does not take into account how it makes other people feel, but sure as hell is ready to criticize you for how you made it feel. The best way to train yourself to become more aware of your ego is through the mirror of other people.

This work is challenging.

You will feel triggered.

Then, through enough effort, you will begin to find the humor of your ego knowing that this is not all of you.

Remember, with every trigger there is an upgrade towards your higher self that you know is always seeking, needing and built for presence and connection.

Other helpful Tips and Tricks in learning about the ego.

The Ego dislikes:

  • Orders

  • Advice

  • Assumptions

  • Labels

  • Absolutes like always, never and should

Using any of these tactics is a surefire way to blunt the flow of connection.

Commit to first noticing, then not feeding, just a few of your mind’s deflections and notice what happens in your life and relationships. You may be surprised what else arrives in the wake of this enhanced awareness.


Triggers Are Medicine


The Art of Letting Go