How presence, synchronicity and plants can change your life 

From Chaos to Divinity.

How it started:

I was born to two Taiwanese immigrants in Durham, NC.  My dad worked as a biochemistry professor at a major university and my mom worked in big pharma. For both, science was the word. 

Things proceeded:

Always a good student, violinist, and athlete, and despite the severe emotional neglect from my childhood, I managed to get into very good undergraduate and graduate school programs. 

Things worsened:

By college, my survival mechanisms no longer worked, and I became heavily depressed showing signs of metabolic disease and an eating disorder. I did not know how to put my emotional world in order because at that time, the only thing I knew was to “work hard and get ahead.” 

The Rock Bottom(s):

The rock bottom’s arrived after I graduated with my master’s degree in social work when my Dad was diagnosed with terminal lung cancer and died 9 months shortly thereafter.  Next, I was in a string of neglectful and codependent relationships and my psychoanalytic treatment stalled out and ended abruptly. My romantic, family, and career options suddenly vanished, I knew I needed a change. 

Divinity arrives:

At last, the Universe cut me a huge break in the form of a highly synchronistic meeting in Montezuma, Costa Rica in March 2020 with someone who would later become my friend and mentor, Jamie. Jamie had his opening during his night club owning days in London in 2011. Through the use of Ketamine and 5-MeO-DMT, he was cleverly able to break through the barriers of the thinking mind into unity consciousness, tracking his ego along the way. As a psychotherapist, I quickly recognized his quick and street-smart gifts of understanding the mind and the energy of connection, and together, for 9 months during the pandemic, we explored the limitations of the mind, ego, and fear, in pursuit of  love, presence, and connection, all with and without the use of psychedelics. To say that this changed my life profoundly is an understatement. With Jamie’s help, I was finally able to understand why my life was so difficult. I simply did know what unconditional love was until I vibrationally brought there.  

Pathway Found:

In March 2021, I was called to discover the incredible healing powers of iboga, which finally resolved my long-standing eating disorder for good, showed me my path, connected me to my ancestry of healers, and helped me put away any lingering questions about myself and my life’s pains in complete and total understanding. I felt seen, heard, held and loved in the presence of this medicine. 
I apprenticed at an iboga retreat center in Costa Rica for two years from 2022-2024 and went to Gabon in the summer of 2023 to receive my first Bwiti initiation from our Nima (Bwiti Priest) Dimessa of the Fang tradition. I was given the Bwiti name, Oreiya, which means one who heals with plants. Bassé. 

Truthfully, my experiences with psychedelics have been some of the top of my life, with my iboga flood doses at the apex. There is nothing like being connected to Source at that level, and I am forever grateful to life, Bwiti and to Jamie for guiding me on my path. 

Presence Training:

For the past 4 years, I have been studying the frequency of the present moment as shown to me by Bwiti and Jamie and have been learning how to heal myself by way of being and following this feeling. This has led me to learn a myriad of self-taught tools including energy work, the tension technique, subconscious reprogramming, inner child and shadow work, and most recently, quantum biology health interventions (water, light, magnetism). 

And now… 

I am proud to say I have found my way towards working as a medicine woman and being a keeper and purveyor of high frequency spiritual forms and knowledge. Using a combination of depth therapy and ego defense re–patterning, I help my patients (patient in Greek means ‘one who suffers’) break habitual forms of their ego personalities in order to find the frequency of their soul and intuition. By guiding people back to their souls, this naturally sets people on the right path of their own divinity, dharma and self-healing process. 

If you are interested in my programs and services, or a free 20- minute consultation call, please visit my contact page. 

For fun, I enjoy writing pieces for my substack, which you can subscribe to on the next tab.