Message to The Future

These are immense times. As the ancient saying goes, ‘May you live in interesting times,’ and interesting things are, indeed.


We are in a global crisis, yet I believe that crisis is a crisis of miscommunication.


You’ve heard the language before, we are a nation divided.


If we can’t even agree on what is the problem ie) What is really killing us? And if we keep splitting and taking sides: good guys vs. the bad guys, maskers versus anti-maskers, big pharma vs. big banks, which merely serves to perpetuate and maintain our hyper-polarized society, what then, is the pathway forward?


I would argue we are not in a political or health crisis, we are in a crisis of healing.


Humanity’s movement forward lies in a revived Spiritual movement of healing. We need a revivification of life back to Source, back to a World with a God, and back to Love. However, the newest incarnation of God will not be another Messiah or another Prophet, it will be you, my dear. The healing of the collective resides in each and every one of us remembering our Godliness.


And from this new prism of Truth, the question no longer stands as how can we fight, but expands into, how can I heal?


Humanity’s evolution lies in a revived spiritual movement of healing through connection and understanding.


Spiritual teachers of the past have all preached nonviolence, unconditional love, and how an eye for an eye leaves everyone blind. But, we need exact instructions if we are to transcend the darkness of today’s animosity, fear and control. The Game of Presence, at last, offers such a manual.

Such exact instructions exist, and they read as follows:

We heal by receiving the other with complete nonreactivity, receptivity, compassion and most of all, understanding.

The healing of yourself and of your community lies in how we are with one another, not in what we do. Spiritual dogma would support this notion— stop doing, practice being. These repaired ties of connection are what are needed more than ever, and certainly more than any more ‘hard science’ or what more political rhetoric may offer. In fact, it seems the more we push into making science and politics our new ‘God,’ the worse our problems become. ‘My science is more scientific than your science.’ ‘My politics are more righteous than your politics.’ The salve for these turbulent times is so simple it only makes sense that our analytical minds would miss an elegant solution lying in plain sight.

And receive.

Take in another perspective other than your own.

Give back your own special and extremely potent medicine of healing: your ability to understand someone else no matter the circumstance.

That is the recipe of Love.

Even in her darkest of moments, Edith Eger, holocaust survivor, psychologist and writer of the stunning memoir, “The Choice: Embrace the Possible,” described that while the Nazis had taken everything from her, her parents, her soul mate, all of her possessions, her home, her dignity, her health, they could never, ever, strip her of her humanity – her ability to choose, regardless of situation, how she herself could rise above to love and act in dignity and grace while all the world around her was acting in depravity and darkness.


If someone on ‘the other side,’ ‘the bad guys,’ or ‘the ones causing the problem’ were in the desert dying of thirst and you came across them with a drink of life-saving water, who would you be to look them straight in the eye, see their blood shot eyes, wrinkled faces, and peeled off lips on the brink of death and refuse them life-rescuing fluids? Who would you become to withhold that precious drink of water and stand aside and watch as they gasped their very last moments of precious air - of precious life force on this planet - all in order to prove some petty notion that ‘Ah-ha, I am right and you are wrong?’ Who would you be to stand and see their body slowly stop, their lungs lengthen in stillness between gasping breaths of oxygen until all movement ceased, their life’s essence gone forever, while you stood above them, righteous, holding the key to their survival?


That drink of precious water is your ability to understand your fellow neighbor regardless of circumstance.


We have become a nation parched. We are filled with an unquenchable thirst and that thirst is for a metaphysical essence called connection. Spiritual teachers would say, all feeling is misattribution of meaning, meaning what we think a feeling in the body means is oftentimes not the interpretation our egos have made it out to be. Yes, we all feel bad that people are poor, hungry, and dying. So, what is the use in fighting over whom shows how they care the most? And why does caring have to look the same for everyone? Engage in an interwoven dialogue and therein would lie our cure. 


How do we quench the thirst for connection and offer cure? By learning how to set aside our egos, our thinking minds, and listen, receive and give back our loving understanding of the other. That is all it is. And yet, to most, this is death. This is why we refuse. Our egos have become so attached to being right, knowing the right answer, following what this leader told me to do, what that person with this-and-that number of degrees has decreed, that we have completely forgotten the point of our journey on Earth.


To love.


In order to repair the despair, the hate, and division among our families, our communities, our society, and our planet, we must learn how to get our egos to stand down and listen. 


We are not at war. We have been at the mercy of untrained egos that have gone unchecked for far too long, until now.


The solution to what ails society lies within.


Humanity’s healing starts with a simple, “I will not feed those thoughts today.”


And what if it continued, I will continue to expand outwards to become the observer of my reality instead of a puppet to my impulses?


You see, esoteric wisdom would tell us that what we have created in the world first had seeds in our minds, then spread and manifested outwards.


This is the first step on the path towards healing. It is to first take a leap of faith to try on this new philosophy. Then, and once experienced, this step transforms into a personal truth earned by direct experience cementing a leap of Faith into Knowing.


What if instead of another scientific study or political figurehead, you were to sit face to face with someone whom you deemed as ‘the problem’? And what if you were to sit and go through every single trigger that person brought up in you knowing that facing those triggers would aide in the healing of the collective?


Your triggers or what you think of as outside of you as ‘the problem,’ are in fact, the shape of you in many forms. It is like the Bogart in Harry Potter. This enemy is constantly shape-shifting in response to what your mind has been creating and formulating long before you met this real ‘bad guy.’


Your triggers are representations of parts of yourself you have not yet learned how to manage. These triggers then get split off into an us versus them polarized reality, and herein lies the energy of war, it began with a little war in your mid.


The Prince Siddartha Gautama sat beneath the Bodhi tree for 40 days and nights battling what? Battling the maras and samskaras of his mind. The false illusions and projections of the ego and the deep rooted societal program that pulls us away from our inner Godliness and our ability to transcend our thoughts and projections.


The Aztec Indians have a wonderful expression, ‘In la’kesh a la’ kin – I am the other you.’ You are the one experiencing this life and this so-called evil out there. Confront this evil, transmute your perception of it as another aspect of Mara (illusion) in your mind, and you have just added one more layer of healing towards humanity’s reunification with itself, your reunification with your own divine essence.


Humanity’s healing lies in illuminating our misguided notion that we live in a world of duality and polarization and lifting people’s eyes towards the concept of nonduality - an ontological state of unity consciousness.


Healing begins with you and your ability to navigate your own triggers and feelings knowing that the work you do within adds to the harmony of the collective.


Free your mind and humanity will follow.  


This is the message for our future.


Tips For Playing The Game of Presence