The Language of Connection

In order to play the game, one must learn the language of connection, whose country of origin resides in the body of feeling.

Think of language as a technology that when harnessed correctly can gain you access to the most exclusive of experiences.

The language of connection can be tricky because it requires us to speak from feeling.

Remember: connection is a feeling.

In order to receive connection and feeling, we must also speak and act from connection and feeling.

This can be tricky due to the fact that most of us spend large amounts of time avoiding our feelings, and hence, avoiding connection.

You see, to speak with feeling opens up a two-way street. One-way could lead to happiness, bliss and connection, while the other could lead to feelings of hurt, disappointment and sadness. And what have most people learned to do to protect themselves from being hurt? To speak from the mind, instead of the heart.

The Game of Presence is unique in that it is a space that allows for our inner child to be heard and for it to share things such as: I feel left out, insecure, lonely, enraged, jealous, competitive, scared, hurt, lost… These are words we often reserve for the ears we find most near and dear to us and some to none at all. To some, such words are strictly forbidden, cast out from the world of feeling, never to return again. For some, to utter these words again would be to admit to a terrible trauma they once had experienced and vowed to never experience again. This is the tragedy befallen to those with severe trauma. They walk this world severed from themselves not knowing how to become whole again. To them, connection is a luxury for those they deem more ‘worthy’ of love in contrast to the defect only they hold inside. This is the enduring effect of trauma: separation and disconnection.

By casting out our inner child, we forgot the depth, warmth, imagination and magic our inner child once felt before we were forced into the world of playing the Game of Ego.

The child is, however, always eager and ready to be seen again. Our inner child is also waiting to express wildly positive and ecstatic states of being such as: I love, I feel, I see, I understand, I can’t wait! But due to the emotionally unsafe world we currently exist in, we must first wade through the waters of repressed emotion before rejoicing in the ocean of love again.

The Game of Presence calls forth the magic of the inner child from the depths of time through the incantation, I feel.


The Game of Presence


Triggers Are Medicine